For your next vacation or adventure... Are you are looking for a local/regional excursion afoot or by wheelchair,...
Winners of LVBike2Work2017!!
Announcing the Winners of LVBike2Work2017!! Individual Winners: 1. Dave Trautmann, Bethlehem 2. Silagh White,...
Calypso Bike Day this Saturday, 4/29
Top Traffic Tips for Cyclists and Motorists
Lehigh Valley Bike to Work Week 2017
May 13-21, 2017 A friendly competition to get feet on the pedals across Lehigh and Northampton Counties. Sign-up to...
CAT Winter Workshop/Office Hours…
Hello People! Winter hours through March 30 are as-follows: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 12pm-4pm Saturdays: 11am-3pm At...
Getting Bike Smart starts with…
Getting Bike Smart starts with... 1. Wearing a helmet (watch video for helmet fitting) 2. A-B-C Checking your bike...
Map of Bicycle Parking in Bethlehem
CATmmunity: Help us create a map of bike rack locations in Bethlehem (and beyond)... You can add a known rack (with...
Lehigh Valley Children’s Bicycle Education 2015-17
Bethlehem Bike Adventure: Where the Towpath Ends
On a Wednesday evening in mid-May, S. and I met on our bikes at the edge of Sand Island in Bethlehem, intending to...
Family Bike Rides in the Park
More info:
How Bicyclists and Pedestrians Use Secondary and Arterial Roads to Traverse Highways (with video)
Riddle #1: What is Like a River But is Not a River? A highway is like a river. More specifically, a limited-access...
Skills Course at Forks-Shawnee Bike Day
Bike Day Skills Course teaches children bike handling skills as well as learning the rules of the road:
Forks/Shawnee Bike Day!
Bike Smart Easton-2015 Year In Review
See what Bike Smart Easton accomplished in 2015! With lots more to come in 2016... Bike Smart Easton 2015 Year in...
Bike Day at Governor Wolf Elementary School
To Go Where My Bicycle Takes Me
By Scott Slingerland As a child in the 1980s, I rode bicycles fervently around my suburban neighborhood in...
Bike Day comes to Governor Wolf Elementary School in Bethlehem!
An Ordinary Friday Night in June
By Anne Felker Worn out by the work week, we are tired of sitting at our desks,of long commutes stuck in traffic, of...
36 Years and Counting
By John Schubert Early in 1979, an unemployed bicycle tourist and newspaper reporter answered a job ad in the New York...