Do you love riding your bike and want to share your passion with others in your community? Do you want training to be...
RIDE this SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, meeting at 1 p.m. at the CAT Bicycle Cooperative at 1935 West Broad Street in Bethlhem....
Holiday Lights Bike Ride
Join us THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, MEET 5 p.m., at CAT office, 1935 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA. This is CAT's...
2021 Holiday Bikes Now Available
Please help pass on this opportunity for Lehigh Valley parents to choose a free bicycle (including a new helmet and...
Sponsor or Volunteer for CAT Holiday Bike Building
Want to help refurbish bikes for children this holiday season? CAT's fifth annual event is a great chance to learn and...
Women’s Bike Maintenance Class!
Hey all you women riders -- We have a great class set up for SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2021, FROM NOON TO 4 P.M., focused...
The last few years, we've done a Fall bike trip to Jim Thorpe and environs, and this year is no different. We're...
Second Sunday Bike Fun and Group Ride
Bring your family's bicycles to the Banana Factory in Bethlehem from 12-2:30pm this Sunday to get a bike safety...
CAT Board Adopts Diversity, Inclusion, and Civility Policy
Adopted this Monday, June 7, 2021 at the monthly CAT Leadership Meeting. View PDF version here.
Saturday Morning BAKERY RIDE
NEXT RIDE: SATURDAY, October 16, 2021 - 9 A.M., meet at CAT OFFICE, 1935 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA (Rain date,...
Applications now being accepted for Adult Bike Commuter Program
Do you know an adult or teenager who would benefit from the mobility, efficiency, and economy of a bicycle for...
CAT Annual Report
The official CAT Annual Report approved at April 5, 2021 CAT Leadership Meeting CAT Annual Report 2021 Approved...
Bike Club at William Penn Elementary School
You’re Invited! April 5, 2021 – CAT Annual Meeting
See what's on the horizon for CAT in 2021 and beyond! Hear presentations from CAT committee chairpeople and cast your...
Out of Hibernation Bike Ride TODAY!
Hi all! Today is March 7! The bike ride is ON! For more event info and discussion, please visit:...
Holiday Bikes Now Available
Please help pass on this opportunity for Lehigh Valley parents to choose a free bicycle (including a new helmet and...
Volunteers needed for Cleanup on November 1st
Let's make it shine at the Broad & Guetter Bethlehem Transportation Center! Pick up litter and receive a one-day...
Holiday Bike Building at CAT
Want to help build bikes for children this holiday season? CAT's fourth annual event is a great chance to learn and...
Bicycling Tips for a Pandemic and Anytime
One development of our coronavirus-inspired isolation is that more people are riding their bicycles, on both the...
CAT’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
UPDATE: 4-23-2020 Dear CAT members, volunteers, and general public- Out of abundance of care, the CAT shop/office will...