

Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.


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Bike Rides

Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.

Bike Co-op

Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!

Weekly Women’s Bike Ride

Sometimes our rides involve a stop involving food or drink, because… why not?

Rides planned for every Tuesday while the weather is nice.  Meet 6 p.m. at Sand Island, Bethlehem, at the parking lot adjacent to the Charlie Brown Ice House.

Note: Rides may happen on Thursdays in case of rain on Tuesdays. Email [email protected] to sign up for the Women’s Ride email list – Ride leaders will email weekly to let you know the ride status and if there is an alternate starting location or route.

If the trail is too wet from any earlier rain, we may find a quiet back streets route to ride rather than the trail. We hope to see you there!

More about the Weekly Women’s Bike Ride:
Hi everyone – It’s Spring and time to get back to our weekly rides.Typically, we’ll begin and end our rides at Sand Island, in Bethlehem, in the parking lot immediately adjacent to the Charlie Brown Ice House.  If the weather is bad, we’ll do our best to keep THURSDAYs as our back-up rain date.  As our group of riders gets to know one another and gets more comfortable on the D&L Trail, we may branch out onto other trails or destinations.

For those of you new to the women’s ride, you can expect this ride to be low key and all about making you feel as comfortable as you can be on your bike.  The parameters of the ride are set by the group, with our pace and distance generally set by the slowest and least-in-shape among us. This ride is not about being the toughest or the fastest or the most kitted-out (though we do have other rides that fit that bill, if that’s what floats your boat…) but is more a social ride, with plenty of chance for chatting and getting to know other riders.  If the thought of riding with a group FREAKS YOU OUT, this is a great place to get over it.  All you need to do to join is: Show up with a rideable bike and a helmet.

Also, ride participants have been known to retire to some watering hole on Main Street Bethlehem for a post-ride beverage.

If you want more personalized up-to-date info (like weather-induced changes and such), give your email info to ride leaders Anne F or Yani B when you see us next, and we’ll add you to any group emails.  Otherwise, we’ll do our best to update here on what you might expect week to week.

This project is being completed in partnership with the Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape.  Funding is being provided in part by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, Environmental Stewardship Fund, administered by Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, Inc.


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