Please help pass on this opportunity for Lehigh Valley parents to choose a free bicycle (including a new helmet and education)* for their child this holiday season. Parents may email [email protected] or call 610-954-5744 to schedule an appointment to pick out a bike. Download the poster here in ENGLISH or SPANISH
If you are an individual or local business interested to Sponsor a Holiday Bike, your support would be greatly appreciated to help cover the cost of parts and tools. Our goal is to rebuild 75 bikes for deserving families. Your name or organization will be passed along to the recipient when they receive the bike. You as an individual or business can leave whatever message you’d like to the recipient of your sponsorship. Sponsor a Holiday Bike here!
Volunteer or learn more about CAT’s holiday bikes program here.
*Helmet and bike education sponsored by Lehigh Valley Transportation Study and PennDOT for children ages 5-14