

Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.


Join our team of dedicated volunteers.

Bike Rides

Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.

Bike Co-op

Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!

Are you a Driver and/or Pedestrian? Take CAT’s Yield to Pedestrians Survey!

Are you are a driver (motorist or bicyclist) and/or a pedestrian (i.e. you walk, run, or wheelchair) in the Lehigh Valley? Please complete our survey (link below). The survey will be open for comments into 2023.

Take CAT’s Yield to Pedestrians Survey here

The desired outcome of CAT’s Yield to Pedestrians Initiative is improve public awareness of crosswalks, to educate motorists and pedestrians to improve public health, reduce traffic injuries and deaths, and create a more enjoyable experience to walk, run, and/or wheelchair in the Lehigh Valley.

We thank you for your honest answers to understand the current state of driver-pedestrian awareness and safety.  Please complete this survey only once. All answers are anonymous. Please don’t enter personally identifiable information on this survey. Thank you for participating!

Live survey results available after you have completed the survey

We are currently planning a full community education/engagement rollout for Spring/Summer 2023. If you would like to get involved with CAT’s Yield to Pedestrians Initiative as a volunteer, or as a sponsor, please drop us a note at: https://lvcat.org/contact-us/

Read more on CAT’s Pedestrian Page: https://lvcat.org/take-a-walk/

…and remember, when driving, please Slow Down and Look Around!!


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