1. Register here to participate in a LVBike2Work event and before logging your rides.
2. Log your rides/trips taken during May 12-20, 2018
3. Check the LVBike2Work page for updates and results
Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.
Join our team of dedicated volunteers.
Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.
Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!
Join us for CAT's Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 from 5:30-7pm. This year's meeting will be held at the...
You're invited to a CAT social gathering + fundraiser! It may not be the ideal season for biking or walking, but it's...
CAT leads weekly rides on local trails and city streets, usually with a fun destination in mind. Trail rides get...