

Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.


Join our team of dedicated volunteers.

Bike Rides

Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.

Bike Co-op

Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!

CAT Committees

Committees provide input and direction to CAT’s work. They are led by CAT Board members and most are open to CAT members in good standing. Email [email protected], or call 610-954-5744 if you are interested to join a committee.

View current CAT committee calendars here

CAT Committees

Board of Directors — Meets monthly on first Mondays at 6pm

    • Chair 2024, Bill Meiklejohn, Board President
    • Members: Elected by CAT general membership at Annual Meeting (current board listing)
    • Mission – The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors, and all powers of the Corporation not reserved to the Full Members are hereby granted to and vested in the Board of Directors (per CAT Bylaws Section 4.1)

Fundraising Committee — meets third Monday of each month @ 4pm

    • Chair: Jennifer Cunningham
    • Mission – Works to strengthen and grow CAT membership. Also seeks out grant opportunities to fund CAT programs and general operations.

Pedestrian Committee — meets fourth Sunday of each month @ 9:30am

    • Chair: Shari Wilson
    • Mission – We believe walking and rolling, the most fundamental means of transportation, are human rights. CAT will strive to ensure that sidewalks are safe, attractive, and accessible for everyone in the Lehigh Valley by putting pedestrians at the forefront of policy, investments, and design.

Transit Committee — meets on fourth Mondays @ 4:30pm

    • Chair: Jennifer Swann
    • Mission – To provide public transit users with safe, clean, and comfortable facilities and access to transportation, and educate and encourage prospective users on the numerous benefits of using public transportation. To serve as a liason between LANTA and transit users to increase understanding and resolve issues as they arise.

Youth Education Committee — meets on fourth Wednesday of the month at 4:30pm

    • Chair: Scott Slingerland
    • Mission – To educate children to ride safely and responsibly to be good citizens of the roadways.

Adult Bike Programs & Rides Committee – meets as-needed

    • Chair: Anne Felker
    • Mission – To design, fund, and facilitate transportation beyond the single-occupant motor vehicle.

CAT Bicycle Cooperative Committee- meets on second Wednesdays at 4:30pm

    • Chair: Scott Slingerland
    • Mission – To provide an inclusive community space, centrally located in the Lehigh Valley for everyone to learn more about bicycling, walking, and riding the bus for transportation.

CAT Government Relations Committee – by invitation only

        • Chair: open
        • Mission –

Executive Committee (includes Governance/Equity) — meets  4X per year (minimum)

    • Chair: Bill Meiklejohn, Board President
    • Mission – The Executive Committee assumes the fiduciary responsibility of the Corporation by becoming informed of the issues. This committee will have the task of representing the organizations interest, attend meetings on the organizations behalf, and become the avenue of strategic thinking and planning for the sustainable future of the corporation. (per CAT Bylaws Section 5.4)

Nominating Committee — (meets as-needed)

  • Co-Chair: Jennifer Cunningham & Tim Phillips
  • Mission – Prepare for CAT annual elections and to seek out potential new board members

MEET THE CAT Leadership Team