

Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.


Join our team of dedicated volunteers.

Bike Rides

Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.

Bike Co-op

Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!

CAT-Refurbished Bikes

What Goes into a CAT-Refurbished Bike

What we offer in our refurbished bikes isn’t cheap or easy for us, and the suggested donation dollar amounts, by necessity, reflect that. 

CAT’s refurbished bikes are not yard sale bikes.  They may start out as clunkers when they are donated to us, but every bike gets a five-hour nose-to-toes overhaul by volunteers learning under the supervision of a highly skilled mechanic.  This usually involves replacement of parts necessary to make the bike safe and dependable, such as new tires, chains, brake pads, cables, etc. 

As a result, a CAT-refurbished bike has a high utility value.  It may be 20 years old when you get it, but it should ride like new, and with reasonable care, it’s good for another 20 years.

Your donation for a CAT-refurbished bike helps CAT provide quality rebuilt bikes for community members experiencing financial hardship (young and old), as well as supplies for the shop, and our overhead.

Every bike adopted from CAT is matched to the person who will be riding it, you! It will be fit to meet your riding style and body geometry. As you ride and learn more, we hope you will support our local Lehigh Valley bicycle shops because they are also passionate to help you rider better and more often! Tell them that CAT sent you to receive a CAT member discount.

When you adopt a bike with a suggested donation, you’ll also receive a complimentary CAT membership.  Member benefits include unlimited access to the CAT shop during our Bicycle Cooperative hours (or by appointment), our CATNews! newsletter, and invitation to events throughout the year.

Our mission is to help all people use their feet, use the bus, use the trails and use their bikes.  If there is a financial need, the suggested donation is flexible to accommodate.

More info about bikes we have available

Bike donations are accepted during CAT Bicycle Cooperative hours listed on the CAT Calendar.