

Become a CAT member & help bring healthy, clean, and safe transportation options throughout the Lehigh Valley.


Join our team of dedicated volunteers.

Bike Rides

Join us for social rides on our trails & streets.

Bike Co-op

Take bike classes. Or come to work on your bike or help others!

View specific CAT Calendars:

* CAT Events & Meetings
* CAT Bicycle Cooperative
* CAT Bicycling Classes – Mechanics/CyclingSavvy/Smart Cycling
* CAT Bike Rides
* CAT Youth Bike Education – Bike Smart Lehigh Valley
* Community Partners
* Adopt-a-Bus Stop
* CAT Staffing and Appointments (for CAT Leadership only – must sign in)

Pro Tip: If a calendar is blank, scroll down within the calendar to show more future events.


CAT Bicycle Cooperative *Regular Hours

      • Tuesdays, 12-4pm
      • Thursdays, 12-4 and 5-7pm
      • Select Fridays 11am-3pm
      • Saturdays, 11-3pm

*HOURS MAY VARY! Appointments are required, please Contact CAT in advance to schedule your visit.

Questions or calendar submissions?
Please call CAT: 610-954-5744 or email: [email protected].