CyclingSavvy is a comprehensive bicycling traffic safety course for adults and teenagers. It offers bicyclists of any level, the tools to build confidence and foster cooperation with other drivers on the road.
What takes CyclingSavvy a step further is a communication skill set that prevents motorist frustration and creates positive interactions for bicycle riders.
- This course is eye-opening for novice and experienced cyclists alike!
- Replace traffic anxiety with cooperation and flow!
- Look at familiar situations in new ways and apply new strategies!
Learn more at
CyclingSavvy is a three-part course:
- Truth & Techniques of Traffic Cycling – Through guided discussion with video and animation, this session familiarizes students with bicycle-specific laws, traffic dynamics and problem-solving strategies. Students discover that bicycle drivers are equal road users, with the right and ability to control their space. (3 hours – classroom)
- Train Your Bike – This session is conducted in a parking lot. It consists of a set of progressive drills designed to increase students’ control and comfort handling their bikes in various situations. (3 hours – parking lot)
- Tour of Bethlehem -This session is an experiential tour on city streets. The course includes a variety of road features (intersections, interchanges, merges, etc.) a cyclist might find in his/her travels. The students travel as a group, stopping to survey and discuss each exercise location. After observing the feature, discussing the traffic dynamics and the best strategy for safe and easy passage, the students ride through individually and regroup at a nearby location. (3 hours – streets of Bethlehem)
See Class Calendar for Upcoming CyclingSavvy dates in Bethlehem
Friday evening (6-9pm) and Saturday (9am-4pm)
Registration requested at least one week before class date.